The CeMM International PhD Programme in Molecular Medicine is open for applications. If you are looking for a PhD project, you can apply until 2nd February! Especially medical doctors are encouraged to apply for a position at the CeMM International
WeiterlesenSemester opening concert 2017/ 2018

This year’s semester opening concert of the Medical University of Vienna was performed by the Sinfonia Academica under the direction of Michael Zlabinger. We enjoyed the classic repertoire of Johannes Brahms, Carl Stamitz, Wolfgang A. Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.
WeiterlesenSemester opening concert with Sinfonia Academica

This year’s semester opening concert of the Medical University of Vienna will be performed by the Sinfonia Academica under the direction of Michael Zlabinger. We are looking forward to the classic repertoire of Johannes Brahms, Carl Stamitz, Wolfgang A. Mozart
WeiterlesenMDPhD Satellite at the YSA Symposium 2017

At the YSA Symposium 2017 we organized a MDPhD Satellite for undergraduate students with current MDPhD students presenting their daily work.
WeiterlesenPhD for MDs

Am 11. Mai 2017 fand wieder die beliebte Informationsveranstaltung über Doktoratsstudien an der Medizinischen Universität Wien statt. Hier einige Impressionen des Info- Abends:
WeiterlesenYSA Symposium 2017
The 13th YSA PhD Symposium takes place on 8th and 9th June 2017. Join the symposium to meet excellent (inter-) national researchers and your colleagues! The ÖH Med Wien is represented in two satellite symposia on the 9th June: ÖH
WeiterlesenMD/ PhD Networking Punsch

The traditional MD/ PhD Punsch takes place every year and is a popular networking event.
WeiterlesenPhD for MD
Gemeinsam mit der YSA veranstaltet die ÖH Med Wien Postgrad wieder einen Informationsabend zu den Doktoratsstudien der Medizinischen Universität Wien. Wann? 11. 05.2017 ab 17 Uhr Wo? Hörsaalzentrum AKH Wien, Ebene 7, HS 4 Programm: 1. PhD- Vorstellung durch Univ.-Prof.
WeiterlesenÖsterreichischer Chirurgenkongress
Der 58. Österreichische Chirurgenkongress findet von 28.-30. Juni in Wien statt. Der Eintritt ist für Studierende frei! Weitere Infos unter:
WeiterlesenHerzanästhesie Österreich
The ÖH Med Wien Postgrad Team sponsors two free entries for the first Austrian Cardiac Anesthesia Symposium (Herzanästhesie Österreich), which takes place in Vienna on the 28 January ( Who can apply? Postgraduate (N094, N790, N094 and MDPhD) students