The Summer Party of the Next Generation Immunologists co-sponsored by the ÖH Med Wien Postgrad takes place on Friday July 19th at 7 pm at the Volksgarten Pavillon Vienna – join the party (free entry) and enjoy free drinks and
WeiterlesenCongress of Cardiac Anaesthesia
Dear Colleagues, the ÖH Med Wien Postgrad sponsors three entries to the Congress of Cardiac Anesthesia in Co-operation with the Medical University of Vienna ( – to get one free entry write us an email to latest by June
WeiterlesenYSA PhD Symposium 2019

Join the YSA Symposium – the most important scientific event for doctoral students! Here is the link to the program:…/D…/YSA_programme_2019_new.pdf
WeiterlesenJoint Meeting on Vascular Biology, Inflammation and Thrombosis 2019

Submit your abstract today and be part of the Joint Meeting on Vascular Biology, Inflammation and Thrombosis 2019 (Abstract submission deadline April 6th)! For more information on the congress please visit:
WeiterlesenBrainstorms Neuromarketing

The next Neuroscience Meeting takes place on Monday February 25th 2019 – join the event
WeiterlesenInternational Day of Women in Science

At the International Day of Women in Science the following lectures will take place at the Medical University of Vienna:
WeiterlesenBrainstorms Food and Brain

The next Brainstorms Meetup takes place on January 28th 2019, please register here for free:
WeiterlesenC3 Meeting 2019

The first C3 Meeting takes place on January 25th. Registration for the Vienna C3 Meeting – online registration is still possible until 21st January, afterwards only on-site at the Congress venue. Registration is free for students of the Medical University
WeiterlesenMD/PhD Networking- Punsch

Dear Colleagues, we would like to invite you to our traditional MD/PhD Punsch, that takes place on December 6th, beginning from 4.45 pm at the ÖH Punschstand on the Medical University Campus (Spitalgasse 23, in front of BT 88). Join
WeiterlesenBrainstorms – Pain

The 5th Neuroscience Meeting co-sponsored by the ÖH Med Wien Postgrad takes place on December 6th from 6.30 till 9.30pm, be part of the scientific meeting and networking! The event is sold out, but free tickets for MedUni students are