The YSA PhD Symposium takes place from June 7th -8th at the Medical University of Vienna. Please visit the YSA homepage for the latest program:
WeiterlesenCongress Scholarships

This year (2018) the ÖH Med Wien Postgrad could sponsor eleven congress scholarships. Below you can see the photos of the happy winners who gave us their consent for online presentation.
WeiterlesenAustrian Surgical Congress
The ÖH Med Wien Postgrad wants to express its gratitude to Prof. Herbst for providing us seven free entrance tickets for the Austrian Surgical Congress: If you want to be part of this congress, please send us your application via
WeiterlesenInternational Premiere
Dear Colleagues, we are happy to invite you to an international premiere of „O schweigt“ by Georg Zlabinger. 06., 07., 09., 10., 12. & 13. April 2018, 8 pm Reserve theater tickets at: Free entrance, voluntary donation Enjoy the play!
WeiterlesenLange Nacht der Forschung
On April 13th, the “Long night of the research” (Lange Nacht der Forschung) takes place. The Medical University of Vienna is part of it and offers many interesting lectures. You can find the program here:
WeiterlesenCardiology Symposium
The “Auftakt Kardiologie” takes place in Vienna on April 14th. The entrance is free for medical personal. Register here to be part of the symposium:
WeiterlesenInternal Medicine Compact
The next “Internal Medicine Compact” takes place on April 16th. This time the topic is “joints”.
WeiterlesenESC Heart Failure 2018
This year’s ESC Heart Failure Congress and World Congress on Heart Failure takes place in May in Vienna. For undergraduate students the entrance is free! Visit the congress website to get more information:
WeiterlesenJoint Meeting on Vascular Biology, Inflammation and Thrombosis 2018
The “Joint Meeting on Vascular Biology, Inflammation and Thrombosis 2018” is scheduled for May 15th and 16th. Register here to be part of this excellent symposium and do not miss the upcoming abstract deadline on April 13th:
WeiterlesenPostgrad Congress Scholarship
During the last term, 16 postgrad students received the Postgrad Congress Scholarship (sponsored by the ÖH Med Wien Postgrad) of up to 500€ for accepted and presented abstracts or oral presentations of their PhD thesis projects. This year we are